How to quickly increase the power in the house

The problem of the reduction of power is particularly acute. As only the erection becomes lethargic, the man begins to feel insecure, making fun of them. What to do in this sticky situation? Just taking the pill is not the best option. Consult a doctor – do not always have the time. In this article you will read about how to quickly increase the power to the house without risk to health.

Causes of reduction of the power men

What is the power in men

At the beginning we try to understand what is the potency in men, and what are its components. Literally it is defined as the ability of any of the action. In our case, is an indicator of male power, in a sense, the masculine and coherence. She defines the ability of men to lead a life of love and to perform the reproductive function. Includes the following items:

  1. The erectile function – the ability of sexual contact, stable erection.
  2. Libido – libido.
  3. The functionality of the germ cells – the speed of movement of sperm, their quality and resistance.
  4. The ability to achieve orgasm and ejaculation.

The important role in the maintenance of male power belongs to testosterone - the male hormone. The higher the level of hormone in the blood, the greater the power.

The maximum concentration of testosterone in the blood is observed in the age 27-30 years. It is a blooming ability to the male sex. After 30 years testosterone is produced by less, but it is not essential to the cause of the decline of male power, there are others, them we will discuss later.

Causes of reduction of the power men

Index of male power depends on the following factors:

  1. Age. More of a man, and his health problems. Usually, the first signs of decline in function of the male sex were observed after 40-45 years.
  2. The style of life. A diet is not balanced, excessive exercise, fatigue, lack of sleep, bad habits – it can reduce the libido and virility.
  3. Disease. A different type of infection, lowered immune system, chronic diseases affect the sexual performance of a young man, it is therefore advisable to treat and pass preventive health checks. Among the most dangerous diseases for male potency are:
    • skin diseases: urethritis, prostatitis;
    • poor circulation (vasoconstriction stops the flow to the genitals);
    • neurological diseases (break-up of impulses to the brain and sex organs);
    • hormonal disorders;
    • disorders of the psyche (neurosis, phobias);
    • lesions and congenital malformations of the development of the sexual organs.
  4. The excess of weight. The formation of adipocytes leads to the substitution of testosterone into estrogen, which leads to a decrease of the sexual function.
  5. The psychological factors. This is a group of factors, in some cases, are the main causes of the reduction of male power:
    • stress, depression;
    • the nervous tension;
    • the fears linked with its sexy of insolvency;
    • the attitude towards women.

In other cases, sexual function can influence excessive other activities – work, career. Libido when this loses its importance and little by little it turns off.

All causes of reduction of male power depend on the age. If the guys impotence is linked to psychological factors (fear, suppression, erotic fantasies and desires, critical partners of the female sex), men 40 years of age and older play an important role factors psychosomatic – illness and experiences about diseases and sexual insolvency.

How to increase the power in the house

Improve the quality of sexual life is possible with the help of various drugs. As a general rule, the greater part of the funds refers to sexually stimulating, which can accelerate the blood circulation and the flow of blood to the genitals. They allow you to to improve erection, prolong sexual intercourse, but the power does not promote. In addition, they have a lot of contraindications.

Go see a doctor decides not to all, if only in the case in which this "critical moment", so you can find the way to increase the power with the help of phyto-therapeutic remedies. Consider the most famous and effective methods.

Folk remedies to the power of men of quick action

Folk remedies to the power

Not all the methods of phyto-therapy are equally useful and safe. Many are advertised in the network folk remedies to the power is not only useless, but are the health risks. In addition, you must always remember: the medicinal plants have a high allergenic potential, possible immune responses. Such tools increase the power efficiently and without risk?

  • Arc — the best friend of a man. For the preparation it is recommended that you take 3 medium-sized onions. Grind the raw material in its malleable state. You can do this, go onion through a meat grinder, or rubbed on a grater. Boil half a liter of water. Let the liquid cool down. Now you need to pour the raw material and leave the mixture for 3 hours. Single dosage of the medication — half a cup. During the day the instrument to take three times before eating.
  • Nuts. Align the legendary instrument for the treatment of impotence. It helps to increase the concentration of testosterone in the blood, relieves the inflammatory processes in the pelvic area (prostatitis also often leads to support of erectile dysfunction). Take the nuts, as you can simply by deleting it from the shell, and prepare a jam or broth. To prepare a decoction, take half a pound of nuts without the shell, pour 2 liters of cold water. Boil for 10 minutes. Then plant the instrument drain, leave to cool. Take 3 teaspoons per day on an empty stomach.
  • Raisins and milk. 200 grams of raisins (better black) pour half a litre of milk. Boil the money received. Then during the day for 2-3 times of eating all the raisins and drink the milk.
  • The carrot and the celery. Grind up a medium carrot 2 stalks of celery in its malleable state. The mixture of eat in 3 doses. The instrument is anti-inflammatory and tonic.
  • Ginger. 100-or 200-gr. ground and prepared a glass of boiling water, drink as a tea 3-5 times per day. A portion of the pulp of the root can be brewed 2-3 times, then make a new one.
  • Thyme – a natural stimulant for the production of germ cells and expulsion of the male hormone. Infusion is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of the dried leguminous plants, and beer, in a glass of boiling water. The course of treatment: take half a glass after meals 2 times a day. Duration of use – from 3 to 6 months.
  • Catuaba – natural "viagra". Take 100 gr. plants, pour a glass of boiling water, infuse for 3-4 hours and drink immediately before sexual intercourse or during the night.
  • Lemongrass – activator of erectile function. 4 tablespoons of dry seeds, pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist 3 hours. Drink half a glass 3 times per day for 10-14 days.
  • A real mine of useful substances is the stinging nettle. Nettle has a double action: reduces inflammation and increases the concentration of testosterone in the blood. A recipe: take 200 grams of the root of the plant. Grind to a powder. Pour 300 ml of boiling water (hot). Leave for 2 hours. Then the medication in school. Take 2 tablespoons 2 times per day.
  • For the result, it has become evident from the use of folk remedies need patience and time (a few weeks). And if you want to get an erection quickly and for a long time at this moment? What to do in this case? For this scientists have revolutionized urology. They have developed a tool for the power without recipe based on natural ingredients, which solves the problems of men already after the first dose, even after 60 years of stone tower is guaranteed. Erection it turns out the snapshot. The decision must take today, tomorrow will be too late. Impotence progresses very quickly.

Other herbal medicines should be avoided before consulting the doctor. Great the risk of aggravating the problem: without keeping the objective of research is impossible to say what was the cause of the decline in power. It is important to keep in mind: recipes are only effective if impotence is physiological (when the reason lies in the defeat of the prostate gland or hormonal imbalance).

Exercises for power

Exercises for the power house men

For the prevention and treatment of impotence physiological suitable Kegel exercises. Strictly speaking, it is not at all complex. It is the performance of the same type of exercises with different frequency and intensity. How to make a gymnastics:

  • Stay on your feet. To relax the body. Struggling straining the muscles that surround the prostate. To do this, the first phase is not easy. To understand, what sense it should have and where it is indicated in the anatomical structure, recommended to start, stop the process of urination (2-3 times). Remain in a state of tension for 3 seconds.
  • Now they need to relax again. The duration of a vacation — 2-3 seconds.
  • Exercises increases the power that runs 10 times. During the day you must do 3 series.
  • As soon as there is the understanding of the technology and engaging the load, it is necessary to increase the intensity of the lessons, bringing the number of approaches to 5.
  • The complex Kegel run every day for 2 weeks.

The therapeutic effect will be visible in 3-5 days.

Products for potency in men of quick action

The strength of a man, with the ability to complete the sexual act is considered by many as a sign of consistency in quality of representative of the stronger sex. Outside of violations of libido and potency, are drugs such as Viagra and other. However, there is no sense to drink the medicine, when you can do to be much more gentle and effective methods. In this unpleasant situation, to help the products for potency in men of quick action. The correction of the diet allows you to get consistent results.

Products that increase potency in men

Mainly of plant origin, products increase potency in men instantly are not expensive and anyone can afford it. We will see more effective and easily accessible:

  1. The onion and the garlic. Contain useful sulfur-free, able to normalize the blood circulation, strengthen the software the penis of blood. And onion, garlic, and promote the production of male hormones, the production of testosterone and increases libido.
  2. Avocado. It has a positive effect on the quality of the erection, preventing the oxidative processes. The systematic use allows to obtain an improvement of male power.
  3. Nuts. The effect does not occur immediately. Takes a couple of days.
  4. The oysters and mussels. The fruits of the sea, by improving the erectile function and the male force. Act powerful aphrodisiac.
  5. Garnet. Normalizes microcirculation in the pelvic area. It is used to strengthen blood vessels and improve the potency, it is best to use the system with other products.
  6. Chocolate, natural, dark. Remedy for quick action. You can get an immediate effect by stimulating the production of endorphins and serotonin. It also has properties that enhance the flow of blood in the pelvis. And thanks to the presence of antioxidants which can achieve the improvement of power quality, prolong the sexual intercourse.
  7. Products of beekeeping. The honey, pollen. Promote the synthesis of testosterone. Natural foods, on the basis of their blood flow increases, employment penis of blood, the durability and stability of erection.
  8. Quail eggs. Contain essential amino acids, involved in the repair processes of the reproductive system. Are suitable to increase the libido and power.
  9. Citrus. Lemons, oranges. Normalize the flow of blood, increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  10. Pumpkin seeds.
Pomegranate juice

Drinks that increase the strength of the male

These include:

  • Pomegranate juice, citrus juice.
  • Whipped raw eggs (eggnog, sugar-free). You can get a resistance increase erection and duration of sexual intercourse.
  • The juice of the grape.
  • Low-fat yogurt and milk.
  • Mare's milk.
  • Berries decoctions.

The list is not exhaustive. The products that influence the potency in men, and drinks based on them, have more property, on which rests the effectiveness:

  • The ability to improve the flow of blood in the basin, expand the blood vessels.
  • The ability to prevent the oxidation, and thus prolong the erection.
  • Saturation of the organism of substances that stimulate the natural sexual desire. So it increases the libido compounds are serotonin, dopamine, endorphins.
  • The ability to restore the functioning of the reproductive system and upgrade to the cellular level.

Products, improve the power, it is necessary to take systematically. They must become an integral part of the diet. But without frills.

What is harmful to eat and drink to the power

Food harmful:

  • The excess of sugar and salt.
  • The cold cuts.
  • The alcohol. Especially beer.
  • Fast-food restaurants.
  • Products semi-finished products, in the box.
  • The spicy dishes.
  • Fried food.
  • The soy.
  • Coffee.

Products with a high content of cholesterol: purchase sauces, and fatty meats at the bottom. Other enjoy can be limited in number. The eggs, the butter, and the liver is not in the account. Are harmless. These products are diametrically opposite properties. Affect the hormonal balance and the quality of the circulation in the basin. Diet to enhance male power, it is possible to choose from just on the basis of recommendations. Fix the power supply will give better results than drugs.

Other tips

Physiological impotence is hooked quickly. It is important to follow some recommendations:

  • Adhere to a strict diet. Most plant products, less meat and products of animal origin.
  • And ' forbidden to smoke. Causes atherosclerosis of the vessels the pelvic, interrupting the circulation of the blood to the genitals and prostate.
  • The house is recommended to run a light load. Physical exercise help to normalize the hormonal balance. Zealous not worth it: an excess of physical activity will have the opposite effect.

Increase the power, without medical examination possible. Important to follow a systemic approach: a change of life-style, the application of herbal remedies, performing Kegel exercises. Here is the "triad of the therapeutic", that allows you to deal with the problem.